Update on my life

Update on my life

Hi there!


So after a very long time of not posting on this website (I do apologize for that) I decided that it's time for me to start writing again. Today I want to write about my life at this moment. 

I'm writing this in my room in Kortrijk, Belgium. Yes, I'm from the Netherlands but I'm studying at Hogeschool VIVES in Kortrijk, Belgium. I've always wanted to follow an education that had something to do with spa, wellness and/or cosmetics. In the Netherlands I couldn't find any education that lived up to my expectations and nothing was exactly what I wanted to do. As I was searching on Google what I was going to do with my life I came across a study called: Wellbeing- and Vitality management. Within this education you can choose between three courses: Care & Vitality Management, Coaching & Wellbeing Management and last but certainly not least Spa & Wellness Management. 


At this point I'm in my first year and I've been really liking this study so far. The first year was quite general because we get to choose a direction in the second year. This will be different though for the students who are in the first year next year. We follow our classes in this beautiful renovated building. There is a classroom with massage tables and there is a classroom with massage chairs. Unfortunately we don't have a lot of practical classes yet. There will be more of those next year. I'm really excited to learn a lot more practical things! The school also has it's own little wellness center called 'House of Wellbeing'. I'm not saying that you should check the page out on Facebook, but you really should! I'll make sure to post a link down below ;) There are mono- and duo cabins for massages and other treatments, there is a sauna and at this moment they are busy with finishing the hamam  for the official opening of the House of Wellbeing on June 25th. There is also a lounge where the guests can relax before and after their treatments.

In this first year I've already learned so much about health, wellbeing and about myself. Sometimes things can get a little deep and tough but then I remember that all the students are going through the same so it's okay to feel a bit unhappy, anxious or just done with everything and everyone. Of course there are also moments where you feel nothing but happiness and it's like you can handle the world. Right now it's the last week of classes, then we have one and a half weeks time to prepare for exams and after that I have exams from the 1st of June till the 20th of June. I can't believe the first year is almost over. I guess time really does fly. 


Love, Ilse



Here is the link to the Facebook page of House of Wellbeing: https://www.facebook.com/houseofwellbeingvives/ 

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    (Wednesday, 16 May 2018 23:00)

    Heel veel succes met je examens, yes you can!!

  • #2

    Natasja (Wednesday, 16 May 2018 23:24)

    Hello Dear!

    Wow girl super gaaf dat je een blog hebt! Goed geschreven ook! (Finally someone I know who also likes to talk (or write) in English) and very good as well (;

    Heel veel succes met je examens! You've got this! ♡
